- pip3 install databricks-cli
- Check if installed: which databricks
- Check version: databricks —version
- databricks configure —token
- databricks clusters list
- To edit default configure: vi .databrickscfg
- Create scope: databricks secrets create-scope —scope demo
- Put APP_key into the scope: databricks put —scope demo —key APP_key —string-value some-value
- To configure password file:
- vim password.txt (add at the end to remove newline character: set noendofline binary) use :wq to quit editing
- databricks put —scope demo —key password —binary-file password.txt
- To delete scopes: databricks secrets delete-scope —scope demo
- To push project to Databricks workspace and load the .whl file to dbfs:
- To install the .whl file from CLI:
- Get cluster-id: databricks clusters get —cluster-name demo
- To install lib: databricks libraries install —cluster-id your-cluser-id —whl dbfs:/tmp/whl-name.whl
- To export changes made in Databricks and sync with local and use :git diff weather-wheel.py to see the differences:
- To import local changes to sync with Databricks(completely overwrite): databricks workspace import -o -l PYTHON weather-notebook.py /cli-demo/weather-notebook
- Some other interactions with Databricks CLI:
- Start a cluster: databricks clusters start —cluster-id your-cluster-id
- List jobs: databricks jobs list
- Get job detail: databricks jobs get —job-id job-id-number
- Run a job: databricks jobs run-now —job-id job-id-number
- Get running job detail: databricks runs get-output —run-id id-from-last-step
- To terminate(not delete) a cluster: databricks clusters delete —cluster-id your-cluster-id
To create secrets using Databricks CLI:
- databricks secrets create-scope --scope your-scope-name
- databricks secrets put --scope your-scope-name --key username --string-value blabla
- databricks secrets list --scope your-scope-name
To check secrets in Databricks:
- dbutils.secrets.listScopes()
- dbutils.secrets.list('demo')
- dbutils.secrets.get(scope="demo", key="app_key")
- trick to see the key:
app_key = []
for x in dbutils.secrets.get(scope="demo", key="app_key"):
if x is not None:
print("app_key:", ' '.join(app_key))
To create .whl file:
- python -m build
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