(Actually, this does the same as the filter)
e.g. User can input their own date range to calculate number of permits of operators during that date range. You can combine a dropdown list to control when and what data to use for user input:
Part of the code to toggle date entry part:
#Reset zoom sliders
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *
#1 Loops through visuals
for vis in Application.Document.ActivePageReference.Visuals:
#1.1 check each visual type
if vis.TypeId==VisualTypeIdentifiers.BarChart:
#1.2 Reset zoom sliders
Document.Properties['dlCompanyActivity'] = topSelection
if topSelection == 'Permit date':
oldHTML = vis.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent
oldDiv = '<DIV id = "norm_by_permit" style="display:none">'
newDiv = '<DIV id = "norm_by_permit" style="display:inline">'
newHtml = oldHTML.Replace(oldDiv,newDiv)
vis.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent = newHtml;
vis.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent += ""
oldHTML = vis.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent
oldDiv = '<DIV id = "norm_by_permit" style="display:inline">'
newDiv = '<DIV id = "norm_by_permit" style="display:none">'
newHtml = oldHTML.Replace(oldDiv,newDiv)
vis.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent = newHtml;
vis.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent += ""
Also, for input type is date, use this reference to create a calendar:
<div style='display:none'>
<div id='dt1Label'><SpotfireControl id='L4b31C0n7r01...'/>
<div id='dt2Label'><SpotfireControl id='L4b31C0n7r02...'/>
Date1: <span id='dt1'><SpotfireControl id='Inpu7C0n7r01...'/>
<span id='dt1picker'></span>
Date2: <span id='dt2'><SpotfireControl id='Inpu7C0n7r02...'/>
<span id='dt2picker'></span>
//constraint date2 calendar based on selection and update property controls automatically
function picker1_onSelect(selectedDate,inst){
//min date constraint based on other picker
minDate = $(this).datepicker("getDate")
//update document property after selection
$("#dt1 input").focus();
$("#dt2 input").focus();
//update document property after selection
function picker2_onSelect(selectedDate){
$("#dt2 input").focus();
$("#dt1 input").focus();
//global datepicker options
pickerOptions = {
showOn: 'button',
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonImage: 'http://kalender.isetegija.net/Styles/SandBeach/Images/DatePicker.gif',
minDate: "-36M", maxDate: "+0D",
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true
//create first date picker
document.getElementById('dt1picker').innerHTML="<input type='hidden' id='datePicker1' value="+$('#dt1Label').text()+">"
$("#datePicker1").datepicker("option",{altField:"#dt1 input", onClose:picker1_onSelect})
//create second date picker
document.getElementById('dt2picker').innerHTML="<input type='hidden' id='datePicker2'value="+$('#dt2Label').text()+">"
$("#datePicker2").datepicker("option",{altField:"#dt2 input", onClose:picker2_onSelect})
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