Monday, April 10, 2023

Python - Create CredFile to encode secrets locally

 from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

import re
import ctypes
import time
import os
import sys

class Credentials():

def __init__(self):
self.__username = ""
self.__key = ""
self.__password = ""
self.__key_file = 'key.key'
self.__time_of_exp = -1

# ----------------------------------------
# Getter setter for attributes
# ----------------------------------------

def username(self):
return self.__username

def username(self, username):
while (username == ''):
username = input('Enter a proper User name, blank is not accepted:')
self.__username = username

def password(self):
return self.__password

def password(self, password):
self.__key = Fernet.generate_key()
f = Fernet(self.__key)
self.__password = f.encrypt(password.encode()).decode()
del f

def expiry_time(self):
return self.__time_of_exp

def expiry_time(self, exp_time):
if (exp_time >= 2):
self.__time_of_exp = exp_time

def create_cred(self):
This function is responsible for encrypting the password and create key file for
storing the key and create a credential file with user name and password

cred_filename = 'CredFile.ini'

with open(cred_filename, 'w') as file_in:
file_in.write("#Credential file:\nUsername={}\nPassword={}\nExpiry={}\n"
.format(self.__username, self.__password, self.__time_of_exp))
file_in.write("++" * 20)

# If there exists an older key file, This will remove it.
if (os.path.exists(self.__key_file)):

# Open the Key.key file and place the key in it.
# The key file is hidden.

os_type = sys.platform
if (os_type == 'linux'):
self.__key_file = '.' + self.__key_file

with open(self.__key_file, 'w') as key_in:
# Hidding the key file.
# The below code snippet finds out which current os the script is running on and does the task base on it.
if (os_type == 'win32'):
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW(self.__key_file, 2)

except PermissionError:
print("A Permission error occurred.\n Please re run the script")

self.__username = ""
self.__password = ""
self.__key = ""

def main():
# Creating an object for Credentials class
creds = Credentials()

# Accepting credentials
creds.username = input("Enter UserName:")
creds.password = input("Enter Password:")
print("Enter the epiry time for key file in minutes, [default:Will never expire]")
creds.expiry_time = int(input("Enter time:") or '-1')

# calling the Credit
print("**" * 20)
print("Cred file created successfully at {}"

if not (creds.expiry_time == -1):

print("**" * 20)

if __name__ == "__main__":